Detective D

by Matt Cuyes. Shortlistee of the Best Children’s Bedtime Story Competition 2021

Spread one

Letter A and letter B,

were looking for the missing C.

Spread two

They went to ask Detective D,

if he had seen the missing C.

‘No,’ replied Detective D,

I’ll have to check with letter E.

Spread three

‘No,’ said E, and F, but G,

was acting rather giggly.

‘Hehehe,’ he laughed with glee,

‘Can’t you find the missing C?’

Spread four

But then, his moustache slipped and D,

declared, ‘It’s YOU! The missing C!’

He called to letters A and B,

and said, ‘I’ve found your missing C.’

Spread five

But wait, he thought, if you are C,

then where on earth is letter G?
