Orla the Orca and the Keepsake Clams

by Louisa McLennan. Shortlistee of the Best Picture Book Text competition 2022

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[Orla is a young orca playing in the waves.]

Orla loved acrobatics.

She was brilliant at barrel rolls, terrific at tide tumbles, and she had just aced her first flying spiral jump.

‘Splashing!’ Nanna cheered.

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‘Listen Orla,’ called Mum. ‘Your brother clicked his first word!’

‘Darfiss,’ said Wavey.

‘Starfish?’ said Orla. ‘Fintastic! My first word was…’

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But Orla couldn’t remember what her first word was.

Actually, she couldn’t remember catching her first fish either.

Or when she got her first tooth.

‘Nanna will know,’ she said.
