My Little Box of Big Feelings

by Liz Heron. Shortlistee of the Best Short Story for Children or Young Adults competition 2021

In the morning, I wake up. I open my eyes, and my little box of big feelings opens up, too.
I never know what I’m going to get…

Perhaps, if a storm has visited the day before, I’ll wake up under the same cloud I went to sleep under. Or maybe the sun will be peeping through the curtains and bursting out of me, all at the same time…

Maybe the feelings will be small and quiet. And I will be, too. Or they might be big and loud like a train whooshing past. Or a giant roaring. Or a trumpet tooting.

When they are, I rumble like a train, too. Or roar like a giant…

Or squawk like a seagull. Or sing like a skylark!

I carry the box around with me, and my feelings can come and go throughout the day.

In the morning, I wake up. I open my eyes, and the sun is peeping in. Then, I remember…
And the happy seeps out of me and lights up the room.

Today is a good day.

I have a special job at school. We have it all planned out. Sometimes I help Mrs Pool in the garden. Today, we will be digging the ground ready for the potatoes.

I will be good at that job.

It is a job just for me.

But, when I get there…

It doesn’t go to plan. Mrs Pool isn’t here. I can’t do my job today. I can’t even do my job tomorrow, Mrs Pool won’t be back this week. I don’t understand. We had a plan. My teeth squeeze. My hands squeeze. The sun ducks behind a cloud.

I try to concentrate, but all I can think about is the plan.
