We are delighted to announce the longlist for our Best Children’s Picture Book Text 2024 competition. Over the last two months your entries have been read, re-read and considered by our team of readers. They enjoyed stories about animals yawning, a brussels sprouts birthday cake, a Diwali celebration, cosmic eczema cream and many more. Every entry was brilliant!
Whether your picture book has been longlisted or not, you are all talented writers with great ideas and we encourage you to keep writing and sending your words out into the world.
Best Children’s Picture Book Text 2024 Longlist
A Tale of Two Piggies
Bamboo Hullabaloo
Bertha the Spider
Buggy Diner Mystery
Cyril the One-Eyed Monster
Garden Magic
Garry the Dog and the Big, Barking Ball Bonanza
Hello, Wonderface
Little Mouse Yawns
Megan and the Cosmic Slime
Moppit and Maisy: The Moonlight Monsters
The Best Rangoli Ever
The Jiggy Piggy
The Midnight Hare
The Rollaway Egg
The Storyteller
Too Small for Big School
Tummy Mummy
Our highly respected judge, literary agent Lorna Hemingway, will now read the longlisted entries and decide the top 10 stories, including an overall winner. Results will be published on 7th February, 2025.
If you’re one of our longlistees feel free to shout from the rooftops, but please don’t identify the title of your story on social media while judging is still taking place.
Thank you all for sharing your marvellous stories with us. Best of luck to everyone!